Oh. My. Dayum.

NOW ON iTUNES! http://bit.ly/PAxuBG Songify yourself with the Songify app for iPhones & Androids: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/songify/id438735719?mt=8 ... http://bit.ly/YTGBSongifyAndroid\ IT IS FREE. IT IS A 21st CENTURY MIRACLE. Original Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGkHRa64sDY Daym's Channel: http://youtube.com/GhettoNN featuring the vocals of Catherine Provenzano http://boofboofboof.tumblr.com/ http://twitter.com/cathyprovy mastering by Dan Millice: http://www.danmillice.com/ our stuff that you should click, to be happier: YouTube 2!
